
Showing posts from March, 2021

A Discussion with Rob


Lessons From Nicodemus

     Jesus and Nicodemus       Nicodemus was a Pharisee at the time of Christ's ministry. He is described in the Book of John as "a ruler of the Jews." This man of high prestige comes to Jesus by night, and gives this declaration, "Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him" (John 3:2).      Nicodemus recognized that Christ was a teacher sent from God. He may not have had the knowledge and testimony that Jesus was indeed the Son of God, the great Jehovah, but he did, at the very least, have the beginnings of faith. His is a unique case. As a learned man and a ruler, he occupied a high position in society. As a Pharisee, he belonged to a group of strict law keepers and ceremonialists. As is constantly expressed in the scriptures, the Pharisees were a great obstacle to the Savior.      It would be easy to label Nicodemus a coward, unwilling to come to Christ in the day, and only me

A Discussion with Emma


Knowing Jesus Christ

      Jesus Christ invites each of us to "come unto" Him and to "learn of" Him - Matt 11:28-29. What does this invitation entail? Does it mean that we are simply to learn all there is to learn about Christ? To know all of the facts and details of His life and teaching?       Although it is important to know about the life of Christ, I believe this invitation is much more intimate. Christ is inviting each of us to get to know Him, to have a personal relationship with Him, as well as a deep connection to Him. The word relationship always seems to come to mind when I ponder Christ's invitation to come unto Him.      It may seem strange to think that we can have a personal relationship with someone who lived over two thousand years ago. Unlike a good friend or family member, we can not simply call Him on our phone and have a conversation. Nevertheless, we can come to know Him in a very personal and intimate way.  We can get to know Him and come to understand His cha