
Showing posts from January, 2021

A Discussion with Carolina


Hierarchical Structure of Jewish Society

          We learned in my New Testament class about the hierarchical structure of Jewish society at the time of Christ. At the top of the hierarchy were many of the Sadducees and elite rulers. Directly beneath them, were the wealthy merchants, military leaders, and other royal officials. The hierarchy continues until it reaches the bottom of Jewish society, which includes beggars, widows, prostitutes and so on. Jesus was born into what we might now call the middle class. He grew up working as a carpenter before he began his brief, three year ministry.       During his ministry, Christ did not limit himself to teaching any one particular caste of society. All were equal before Him. All were Sons of God in His eyes. One day He could be dining with a royal official and the next, be found among the beggars. He was not afraid to teach both the wealthy and the poor, the esteemed and the despised, the prideful and the humble.       Even today in the United States we live in a very much strat